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SAMEE workshop with the SEND advisor community!

Sam, Wayne and Sianell had great day networking with the SEND Adviser community in Dorset this week. A huge thank you to Dorset Careers Hub for organising. Talking about SAMEE charity Steps into Self-Employment was amazing and it was great to see people getting excited about what we are offering as a supported self-employment opportunity. We were also part of Jenny Connick FRSA’s presentation! We have had some amazing initial feedback from the SEND and Careers advisors which attended, "I just wanted to reiterate my thanks for your workshop yesterday" "Very good and helpful" "The SAMEE Project was inspiring and hopefully will be a great resource for us moving forward"

Our SISE Programme is now award winning!

Sam, Sak and Lea were invited to attend the Career Development Institute awards last week (26th June). SAMEE's Steps into Self Employment programme was shortlisted for the Careers Programme - Post-16 education award and we won it!

“As a Trustee of Samee, to see the hard work, dedication, and innovation that the charity does and the passion shown by Sam, their Chief Exec to be recognised by the Career Development Institute (CDI) was a real milestone. To be recognised by your peers as leaders in the post 16 Employability space for their Careers programme in Post 16, is no easy feat. Their relentless strive for creating social mobility, supporting those who need it most and leaving no one behind is admirable and inspiring. I’m so proud of what Sam and the team have achieved and as will all those people they’ve impacted and lives they’ve changed.”

SAMEE at the IEP summit at RSA House

"It was great to attend the IEP Summit this week, representing our charity. The opportunity to network and make new connections to share the amazing work we do as a Charity was invaluable." - Tara Fisher SAMEE's Director of operations.

SAMEE also have 3 Fellows of the IEP on the team!

“As the Director of S Knights Recruitment and a Trustee of SAMEE, attending the IEP summit has always been a highlight of my annual calendar. As a Board Director for the IEP – It’s a great event bringing together some the great leaders across the Employability space; to network, share market intelligence and discuss the future of the sector.” – Sak Awan SAMEE Trustee and Employment Specialist. 

Success for DEBSS

Clair said: “Building a business from scratch by yourself can be daunting and lonely but having the SAMEE Charity by my side from start to finish has been crucial in the success of launching my business. “My business mentor helped put a structure to my ideas with an easy to complete business plan and step-by-step guide on how to launch my business.

SAMEE charity launches nationwide!

The new, flexible programme You’ve Got This! supports individuals through the development of skills needed to explore self-employment as a viable career option. Samantha Everard, SAMEE Chief Executive, said: “The inclusive SAMEE Steps into Self-Employment programme has been created to cater for the needs of learners with SEN".

SAMEE's Emily launches bespoke jewellery business

Emily launched her own website and is using her artistic talent to create individual commissions for customers. Supporting Emily on her journey has been Samee (Support and Mentoring Enabling Entrepreneurship). The Bournemouth-based charity is committed to helping enable disabled people to start their own businesses.

Contact Us

The Samee Charity 

881 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset         BH7 6AU

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