Donate to The SAMEE Charity . . .
Help us transform lives!
For every £10 donated – Firstly we can give an aspiring disabled entrepreneur an accessible SAMEE business Start-up Guide, customised to meet their personal additional needs, further giving them the skills and guidance they need to become their own boss !
For every £30 donated – Secondly we can offer a school leaver passionate about self-employment the chance to work with a SAMEE qualified self-employment advisor ! In addition this opportunity will help to boost confidence in developing skills to make their self-employment dreams a reality !
For every £60 donated – Additionally we can offer 2 hours of personalised counselling to a SAMEE disabled entrepreneur with a mental health practitioner . . . Your donation will help to build their confidence and enable them to overcome any personal challenges finally to self-employment success !
PayPal Giving Fund
Through your kind donations, we have been able to help over 250 disabled adults begin their self-employment journeys since we started in 2016.
What could you help us achieve in 2023?
Easy Fund Raising
Easy fundraising partners with brands to donate part of what you spend to us! and, it won't cost you any extra, the cost is covered by the brand.
Donate to SAMEE every time you shop!
Work for Good
Work for good is a fundraising platform making business giving frictionless! Designed to save time, money and give legal peace of mind to businesses wanting to donate to charities like us.
Help us achieve our mission through fundraising!
The Giving Machine
The giving machine lets us receive free donations every time you make a purchase through their platform! They have a huge range of participating shops to browse through.
We receive a donation with every one of your purchases!
Send an e-card through this company and the cost of the card goes to us as a donation! This allows you to donate to SAMEE by sending cards to your loved ones for birthdays and other holidays.
Send a card to a loved one while donating to us!
Giving to charity in your will
Inheritance tax is payable at a rate of 40% on an estate worth over £325,000 – If 10% or more of your total estate is left to charity, a reduced inheritance tax rate of 36% will apply.
The lower rate of tax has proved attractive to many people and has encouraged them to increase the amount given to charity, often meaning that more is received by the eventual non-charity beneficiaries of the estate . . .