Meet Team SAMEE

The SAMEE team are here to assist and support you with your business ventures, help you learn all the skills you need to start-up and run a successful business and find meaningful employment. We want to help you grow and succeed in your ambitions and goals. 

Samantha Everard

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Tara Fisher

Chief Operating Officer

Sianell White

Executive Officer

Lorraine Stanley

Partnerships Manager

Charity Development Team

Mark Stone

DSL, Office Manager & Outreach Mentor

Michelle Arnold

The COO's PA - Contract administration and referrals

Helen Beesley

SAMEE's accounts

Tracie Beardsley

Public relations Manager

Mandy White

External Safeguarding Officer

The Mentor Team!

Stuart Knight

Lead Self-Employment Mentor for the South Team

Steve Harrison

Self-Employment Mentor on the South Team!

Scott Baxter

Self-Employment Mentor on the South Team!

Yvonne Street

Self-Employment Mentor on the South Team running our Gibraltar Community Hub

Linda Etheridge

Lead Self-Employment Mentor for the North Team

Sam Parker-Brown

Self-Employment Mentor on the North Team!

Adrian Ashton

Self-Employment Mentor on the North Team!

Pat Haigh

Self-Employment Mentor on the North Team!

Employability Team

Rob Amey

Steps Into Self-Employment and Holistic Support Mentor

Gail Parr

Outreach Community Support

Frances De'Villiers

Internal Qualification Quality Assurer

Carly Parker

External Quality Assurer

Our Trustees

Sak Awan

Chair & Employment Specialist

Debbie Porter

Deputy Chair & Education Specialist

Mike Lammas

Deputy Chair & Technology Specialist

Mark Everard

Trustee board
IT/Cyber Essentials/Websites

Chris Martin

Trustee & Partnerships Specialist

Jax Shave

Trustee & Mental Health Specialist

Elaine Collinson

Trustee & Internal Safeguarding Officer

Sara Brown

Trustee & the Treasurer

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